upclose of giraffe face

90mm Tele-Elmarit / Kodak Portra 400

Riverbanks Zoo

For our buddy Chris’ birthday this year, he wanted to go to the Riverbanks Zoo. I love zoos. I will always be down to go to a zoo. This zoo in particular is cute. It isn’t very big but that turned out to be a good thing. Walking around doesn’t take most of the day, so you can actually spend time checking out the animals. And you get to see them up close! A few of the exhibits are set up in a way that you are just a few feet from big animals like a rhino.


90mm Tele-Elmarit / Kodak Portra 400

It’s also nice and shaded for pretty much the entirety of the grounds which is much welcome with the summer heat.

flamingos on a mound of dirt

90mm Tele-Elmarit / Kodak Portra 400